Welcome to my home in cyberspace! My public face. I’m an ongoing project. A work under construction, just like this site. My privacy flew out of the window back in the heady days of dial-up and AOL. Since my goal is to publish, I figured it’s time to dispense with vulnerability as well and start this blog; everyone is doing it, right?!

I was born in the thumb of Michigan and raised in Ann Arbor. That college town is still at the heart of me even though circumstances beyond my control led my to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the beautiful city of Asheville, North Carolina. It’s here that I ply my trade as a wordsmith.

Here you’ll find some of my thoughts and musings, the occasional poem when the spark ignites, and maybe even excerpts from upcoming fiction and nonfiction that I WILL publish.

I’m a disabled former distance runner and also a veteran, though my disability is not service related. Since I can no longer run, I enjoy the trails of my imagination. FAIR WARNING: my writing is sometimes raw and unfiltered. It’s not always for the faint of heart.

Even so, welcome! Join me on my creative journey!